Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day."


It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body... the heart. ~Author Unknown

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. ~Author Unknown

“Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.”

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
-Leo F. Buscaglia

“Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile.”
Mae West

“A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.”

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
-Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nature in the City or City in Nature

Nature is present everyday if we become aware that it is there. It could be as simple just by tuning into our senses as we walk to our destinations and witnessing the elements that surround us each day. We believe that nature equals Central Park or the few grassy areas we have here in NYC. As this has been true for me, yesterday became a laboratory to discover more possibilities in the midst of the many raindrops that descended upon us.

I left my apartment without an umbrella or rain “gear” and made my way from uptown to downtown, subway to foot and meeting to meeting with one thing consistent; inviting and including the smells, tastes, touches and sounds of Mother Nature. Usually I would open an umbrella and cover myelf, intending to hide. On this day, I rolled my shoulders blades towards each other, opened my heart toward the sky, head tilted back and tongue out to catch the raindrops on my tongue. I listened to the sounds, inhaled the smell of rain and felt the water drip through my hair. I became one with the elements and honored the moment; my senses heightened, fears melted away as I let go and surrendered.

Whether we are on or off the mat, there can be a sense of freedom and oneness with all things if we make a choice to let go of the mind and expand from our senses. We are always going to have a place to get to and a time to be there but what if we just slowed down for a moment and appreciated the wonderment before us?!?!

"People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the vast compass of the ocean; and they pass by themselves without wondering."
-St. Augustine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Everyday in NYC or where ever we live, we walk by signs, some we notice, some we ignore, and some we don't even know exist; but they are there, everywhere are signs.

I have been praying everyday(which for me is quieting my mind, chanting mantra or asana practice) and connecting more to the creator,deeper into the super consciousness and so today I experimented as I walked out my door, I set my intention to allow as many signs to be seen and of course they were all I needed to support the life I want; "Energy flows where the attention flows."

The one that resonated deep within was a quote by C.S. Lewis that reads:
"The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing . . .
to find the place where all beauty came from."

Everything we need, we find within!

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Outside The Box"

Creating MY life,
Living in my truth,
Rooted in this earth,
Grounding in my spirit,
Honoring my visions,
Listening to my heart,
Not playing small,
Allowing the flow,
Not trying to fit,
Giving Love,
Choosing what enters my body,
Having my own experience,
Not following others beliefs,
Following instincts,
Smiling/Exchanging with strangers,
Sharing what I learn,
Daily Gratitude,
Connecting to others,
Traditional & wild
Supporting Beloveds,
Feeling my emotions,
Receiving others as they are,
Exploring desires,
Being Romantic,
Making things happen,

Is Having all I dream "Living Outside The Box"?

I feel it is Living and not just existing.

We are all Beautiful Goddess/God Warrior Beings, Purring & Roaring!!

We have learned to make things personal, and all about "me or I", "it is not about me" , "Idam Na Mama".

I consistently look at myself, be accountable for my actions, take responsibility for what I say/do, and apologize when I hurt others. Everyday I bring awareness to my life and see how some things that I did yesterday may no longer serve me today, its a constant opening, not hiding from myself. It is challenging and painful, but yet the easier softer way.
I have tried the opposition, the blaming, the victim of situations, didn't work so well. Finding the balance of the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, & spiritual , it ALL matters!

I share this because I feel so much passion. I know it starts with myself and the clearer I am, the stronger I get internally, the more supportive, loving, giving I can bring to the people in this world, closest to me and the ones I have not yet met.

I am blessed to practice and teach Yoga. I take from my experiences and share what I learn, such a gift.

We are all One, not separate from each other, it is our birthright to have it all.

NAMASTE Beautiful Beings