Saturday, November 27, 2010

Everyday Thanksgiving

THANKSGIVING, what is this holiday that occurs every year? What does it mean to me?

It is the everyday of GIVING OF THANKS that has made this year different from all the rest. With the gathering of some of my partners family, together we included ceremony, cooking/cleaning, creating, with Love. What I did not expect was the abundance of feelings that I was going to experience being here. As in all families there is “stuff” but as always within the ucomfortability and the witnessing of my reactions, to be accountable to things and to grow bigger rather than staying small, another transcendental shift in my life occurred and how I am so grateful for the challenge and pain that allows me to experience more light.

So the next morning, the clouds covered the sun, fog created a beautiful horizon and as the family went out to breakfast, I rolled out my mat with a fire burning bright. I went closer to the creator, closer to my spirit and allowed each breath to move me through to the next. I turned my senses inward and went into a my practice. Yoga is meditation and meditation is the space between the thoughts.

Off the mat I went, a new day with more Love & possibility than before. Reunited with family and off to the garden we went, followed by a walk in the cool air to meet up with nature. When there is no past or no future, it is just the “present”, a “gift”.

As we now sit looking out into the mountains, appreciating all that we shared with family, we currently bathe in our time alone, going through the reel of the days passed. We recognize we do not need any special day to be grateful for, as in all days there are many things to be delighted by, we are the blessed we get to honor it all that the creator sends our way.

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